Sunday, January 23, 2011


Why is it, please, that brainstorms alwaysnhit at the MOST inappropriate times? Like NOW when I should be sleeping? Or while driving (I carry a voice recorder with me now because of that)? Grocery shopping? At the kids' extracurricular events? I mean, really! Can't my brain give me great stuff when I'm actually supposed to be awake? Lol. I imagine this has, in part, to do with the subconscious brain imparting information to the conscious brain the only way it knows how. It would just be nice if I could get these flashes of clarity when I'm not on the elliptical, or cooking dinner, or in line to mail a package at the post office. Am I the only one with these issues, or are there others like me?

Now, that I'm done here, and I've drafted all my notes pertaining to three separate novels, emailed them to myself for formatting changes, synced them with my laptop (I'm on my iPad now, lol) and sent out a bunch of tweets, I'm hoping my brain will slowndown long enough for me to fall asleep!

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