Well, having grown up in New England, and having lived there all my lif until 4 years ago, snow days were not a rare occurrence like they are here in Oklahoma, lol. I feel awful for my family and friends back home - they have been hammered this year. I think they're about even in school days vs. snow days! I fully realize that we will be out of school for few days, possibly the week.
Hubby can't shovel because he's still recovering from shoulder surgery, so I shoveled the porch and the stairs. Not an easy task, given that I can't find my boots and have to wear his, lol. I will get the walkway done a little bit at a time. Want to minimize the possibility of re-injuring my sprained foot... Which hasn't completely healed yet. The snow has stopped for now, but the strong gusting wind is blowing the snow into huge drifts. Guy's Mustang is buried because of drifting snow; my Terrain is not too badly covered. We're not traveling today, that's for sure.
Marcus has already gone outside to play twice today - both times very briefly, because the wind chill has the temps in the negative double digits. Brrrr... Gabby desperately wants to go out too, but we won't allow it where she's recovering from pneumonia. Our younger puppy, Bane (Rotweiler/lab mix), is having a blast, since he's never seen snow before, lol. He's such a cute, big, goofy puppy. Havoc, our Pug puppy, is less than impressed with the snow. We got her December of 2009, so she's seen snow and ice before. It simply doesn't excite her. Some of the snow drifts are deeper than she is tall, lol. At lest now she won't dig under the fence again anytime soon. She took off yesterday for an hour and I was devastated. I drove the neighborhood searching for her, but couldn't find her. Then I got the sudden urge to check the backyard again, and she came running to me from the direction of the garage, covered in dirt. She either dug under the garage door and got stuck in there, or she dug under the fence by the garage, went on an adventure and then came back home. Either way, I was so relieved!
Right now, Havoc is sound asleep in my lap as I blog; Bane is asleep on the other part of the couch, belly up; the kids are upstairs playing; hubby is playing video games.
Some day this blog will have more of a purpose, but for now, it will remain Random Ramblings. Sometimes I have funny things to share, other times, I actually have deep subjects to impart... I guess I'll just keep mixing it up to keep y'all guessing, lol.
Blessed be. Have a lovely day.